2009년 7월 8일 수요일

[무료 학습메일] 대다수 국민, 국정 운영 방식에 불만족 - 영자신문 술술읽기

No.876    2009. 07. 08. Wednesday
여름방학 특별 이벤트 1탄-트리플 보너스
여행상품권 / 던킨도너츠 / 미술관
[방학이당] 아주 특별한 이벤트 1탄
[감동 실현] 골라잡는 종합반 혜택
[비교불가] 잘~나가는 PMP 특가전
Questions 1 - 3 refer to the following conversation.

Why is the woman going to the airport?    
(A) She is going on vacation.  
(B) She works at the airport.  
(C) She is taking a business trip.  
(D) She is picking up a client.  

What time does her flight leave?    
(A) 12:00  
(B) 1:00  
(C) 1:30  
(D) 2:30  

How will she get there?    
(A) She will go in the man's vehicle.  
(B) She will ride in a company car.  
(C) She will take the subway.  
(D) She will take the airport bus.  
We use special trucks to remove and dispose of industrial waste.

우리는 산업 폐기물의 제거와 처리를 위해 특수 트럭을 사용합니다.
오바마의 교육정책론

Currently, the educational system in this country is approached as if it were a corporation instead of a system of education.

Pull yourself up by the bootstraps!
But, what if you don't have boots?

지존 기초
토마토 토익 Speaking
토마토 BASIC LISTENING 2nd edition
분위기를 띄우다 spice (something) up

[강사 : Kristine]

- London Trinity College TESOL
- TOEIC Speaking & Writing 만점 강사
- 한국 외국어 평가원 공식 PELT 추천 강사

분위기를 띄우다 spice (something) up

A : 민호만 왔다 하면 사람들이 얼마나 좋아하는지 몰라.
     Everyone just loves it whenever Minho comes by.

B : 민호가 원래 분위기를 잘 띄우잖아. 
     He always knows how to spice things up, that's why.

     매너도 끝내주고.
     He's got great manners, too.

핸드폰 천국
한국인들은 핸드폰을 참 유용하게 쓰는 것 같아요.
Koreans seem to use their cell phones extensively.
핸드폰으로 인터넷 검색, MP3 음악 듣기, 물건 구매, 은행 일까지 가능해요.
Sure, we can do Internet searches, listen to music on the MP3 player, purchase goods and even do our banking by cell phone.
전 시대에 너무 뒤떨어졌군요. 저도 하나 해야겠어요.
대다수 국민, 대통령 국정 운영 방식에 불만족

According to a recent survey compiled by Gallup Korea, most citizens are unhappy with the South Korean government's management of the current financial crisis. South Koreans were unsatisfied with the government's incoherent policies, lack of coordination among state bodies, and ability to mitigate the ongoing economic downturn.

Several studies show that South Koreans have been unhappy with their government for some time, but that the public mistrust has intensified in the past few months. Economic policymakers have come under fire for flip-flopping on several major policy issues such as real estate market regulations and the restructuring of the corporate sector. Furthermore, policymakers who have failed to keep their promises have turned many loyal citizens into skeptics.

A similar survey conducted by Gallup Korea in 2008 showed that a majority of citizens were unhappy with the performance of President Lee Myung-bak. A little more than 80 percent of survey participants felt that Lee had accomplished nothing in his first 100 days in office and more than half criticized him heavily for the U.S. beef import deal. In addition to complaints about the national economy, many disliked the President's management style and were offended that he failed to keep several of his promises.

On the bright side, Gallup Korea's survey showed that South Koreans had a positive outlook when it came to the economy for the long-term. A little over 40 percent of all survey participants said they believed the national economy would worsen in the upcoming months, whereas a whopping 70 percent felt that way in December of 2008. In addition, many South Koreans said they expect to see a pay increase in the next three months, with only 28 percent believing they would see a drop in income. The 2008 survey showed that 53 percent of survey participants feared they would earn less money in the near future.

미군 내 성폭행 작년에 8% 증가
재택 학습을 받는 아이들은, 교사 한 명에게 20명 가량의 다른 학생들과 같이 배우기 보다는 형제 한 두명과 같이 배우거나 1:1로 교육 받게 된다.
김진우 회원님께서는 2008-10-23 에 회원가입을 하셨으며, 회원가입 또는 회원정보수정시 메일 수신을 동의하셨습니다. 메일 수신을 원치 않으시면 수신거부를 클릭해 주시기 바랍니다.

본 메일은 정보통신망이용촉진및정보보호 등에 관한 법률 및 시행규칙을 준수한 발신전용 이메일로서,회신이 불가능 하오니 문의가 있으신 분은 고객만족센터를 이용해 주시기 바랍니다.

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