2013년 6월 25일 화요일

[6월 25일 학습메일] 15000쿠폰 100% 당첨! 탈탈 털린 토익점수? 통장은 토마토가 지켜드릴게요!

2013.06.25 Tuesday no.917

총 30문항. 질문에 가장 적절한 응답을 찾는 유형으로 순발력이 요구되는 파트
Questions 1 through 3 refer to the following conversation.
What are the speakers discussing?
(A) Some budget errors
(B) An important contract
(C) A financial report
(D) Some construction work
What does the man mention about the project?
(A) It has been delayed.
(B) It is over budget.
(C) It is awaiting approval.
(D) It has been canceled.
What does the woman offer to do?
(A) Talk to the budget committee
(B) Type up the project details
(C) Share some contact information
(D) Call the contractor
총 10문항. 사진을 보여주고 가장 잘 묘사된 선택지를 찾는 유형
Questions 1-4 refer to the following email.

TO: Katherine Bowers
FROM: Shipping Department
DATE: June 28
SUBJECT: Re: MP3 player

Dear Ms. Bowers,

I received your email on June 25th about a repair item that had not yet been returned to you. According to our records, we received your damaged MP3 player on June 3rd. Repairs were made according to the warranty agreement and it was shipped via Larson Couriers on June 12th. It was scheduled to arrive at your home on June 15th. According to the tracking number provided, the parcel was delivered as scheduled.

However, I just spoke to a representative of the courier service, Ken Maloney, and he said that they have been having several problems with their tracking system software. He has filed a report to track your package manually, which he says will take about two weeks. If Larson Couriers is successful in locating your MP3 player, it will be delivered to the address provided as soon as possible. If you have not received anything from them within three weeks, please notify us and we will send you either a refund or a replacement product.

I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you. I hope you understand that we are doing our best to remedy the situation as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience.


David Heffner
Shipping Department Manager, Metz Electronics

What is the purpose of this email?
(A) To apologize for a broken device
(B) To announce a shipping change
(C) To respond to a customer inquiry
(D) To issue a refund for a product
When was the product supposed to arrive?
(A) June 25th
(B) June 15th
(C) June 12th
(D) June 3rd
What caused the problem?
(A) An employee error
(B) A software malfunction
(C) A filing mistake
(D) A defective component
What is Ms. Bowers asked to do next?
(A) Wait for the situation to be resolved
(B) Attempt to track the item manually
(C) Contact David Heffner
(D) S e l e c t a replacement product

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