2013년 6월 13일 목요일

[6월 13일 학습메일] PART 7 : 광고 지문의 경우 광고의 주체와 상품을 중심으로 내용파악하면 독해 끝!

2013.06.13 Thursday no.908

총 30문항. 질문에 가장 적절한 응답을 찾는 유형으로 순발력이 요구되는 파트
Questions 1 through 3 refer to the following conversation.
What will the man do tomorrow?
(A) Contact the woman
(B) Attend a training session
(C) Install some software
(D) Work a closing shift
What does the man say about the alarm?
(A) Its code has recently changed.
(B) It’s easy to operate.
(C) He’s never set it before.
(D) He thinks it is unreliable.
What advice does the woman give about the task?
(A) Write down the four-digit code
(B) Prepare personal items first
(C) Use the front door of the store
(D) Ask a colleague for assistance
총 10문항. 사진을 보여주고 가장 잘 묘사된 선택지를 찾는 유형
Questions 1-2 refer to the following advertisement.
On your next vacation, hit the open road! Tour the countryside in style with Sherwood. Rent a car from Sherwood and enjoy the freedom of having a vehicle while on vacation. With the lack of public transportation in the area, many tourists depend heavily on tour companies to show them the sights of Bretton Hills. But now you can enjoy everything on your own schedule. Book online or in person today and get driving with Sherwood. And as always, we offer a 15% discount to patrons of the Radcliff Hotel. Just show your room reservation confirmation to take advantage of this offer.
What is being advertised?
(A) A tour package
(B) A rental company
(C) A tourist destination
(D) A travel agency
What is true about the 15% discount service?
(A) It is available for a limited time.
(B) It should be booked online.
(C) It must be reserved in advance.
(D) It only applies to certain people.

today key word
초대, 초대하다 : invitation, invite
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[이랜드그룹] 어려운 취뽀... 이랜드 합격수기
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토익 파트별 공략 Part 5
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