2009년 5월 18일 월요일

[무료 학습메일] 미래의 불확실성 - 영1지

No.839    2009. 05. 18. Monday
100% 쿠폰환급/영화예매권/연극티켓
뉴토익 왕초보 탈출 2nd edition 오픈
[회원정보수정] "행복한 마이너" 증정
[감동 실현] 골라잡는 종합반 혜택
[오픈] 강과장의 비밀폴더

------- his public speech on the new taxation plan, the governor answered many questions
from concerned citizens.    
(A) During  
(B) For  
(C) Without  
(D) By  

------- you require any assistance during your trip, please don't hesitate to contact Maison
(A) Unless  
(B) May  
(C) Whatever  
(D) Should
Have you confirmed my reservation at the Duxton Hotel?

덕스턴 호텔에 제 예약을 확인하셨나요?
미래의 불확실성
Don't waste life in doubts and fears; spend yourself on the work before you, well assured that the right performance of this hour's duties will be the best preparation for the hours and ages that will follow it.
뉴토익 왕초보 탈출 2nd edition
뉴토익 왕초보 탈출
이찬승의 단기 리스닝 마스터
촌스럽다 tacky

[강사 : Kristine]

- London Trinity College TESOL
- TOEIC Speaking & Writing 만점 강사
- 한국 외국어 평가원 공식 PELT 추천 강사

촌스럽다 tacky

A : 진열장에 걸린 저 셔츠, 멋지지 않아?
     Look at that shirt on display. Isn't it nice?

B: 어느 거 말이야?
    Which one?

A : 저기 꽃무늬 셔츠.
     That shirt with flowers on it.

B : 저런 옷은 잘못 입으면 촌스러워 보일 수 있는데, 자신 있어?
     If you're not careful, it could look tacky. 
     You think you can handle it?

합승 요금은 어떻게 계산하나요?
If you're riding 'Hapseung' in a taxi, how do you figure out the fare?
먼저 탄 손님은 미터기대로 요금을 내면 됩니다.
If the original passenger is dropped off first, they pay whatever is on the meter.
하지만 기사가 나중에 탄 사람부터 내려주고 돌아갈 경우에는 먼저 탄 손님은 그만큼 제하게 되지요.
But if the driver goes out of the way to drop off the second passenger first, then the original passenger has that amount deducted from their fare.
경제 불황 - 미국 십대들의 직업 선호도를 바꾸고 있다

For the past five years, a career in business ① ____ ____ _____ ___________ ___ the average teenager in the United States. Television programs like Donald Trump's "The Apprentice" showed people that a business career could be fun and glamorous. However, most attractive of all were the high earnings that often accompanied independent ventures and company positions in the business field.

But with the global financial crisis, students are ② ___________ ___ ________ ____ ______ ___ a career in business. Instead, profitable jobs in science and medicine have become more attractive. And according to a recent survey conducted by Junior Achievement, a non-profit organization that works with educators, volunteers and the business community in order to inspire young people, many teenagers believe that even jobs in entertainment or sports will be more secure than a business career.

"Given the current state of the economy ③ ___ ____ ____ ___ _________ _____ teens are looking away from business to fulfill their career goals and are turning to careers in science and medicine instead," said Stephanie Bell, a spokeswoman for Junior Achievement.

Junior Achievement's "Kids and Careers" survey reported an enormous drop in the number of teenagers hoping to become a business person in the future. Out of the 750 teenagers surveyed this year, only seven percent ④ ______ ____ _________ ______ ___ ______ ____ _______ _______. On the other hand, jobs in science, engineering and medicine took first place with 16 percent of the votes. Eleven percent said they wanted to become an actor or entertainer and nine percent wanted to work in a sports-related field.

Despite its huge drop in popularity, Junior Achievement says a business career ⑤ ___ ______ __ _____ ______ ___ it continues to be the largest job generator in the U.S. economy.

"A lack of financial literacy and sound business practices have got us where we are, economically speaking. But small businesses drive a lot of job creation, so it's even more important now that kids learn business and financial management skills," Bell said.

'현대 인류의 기원은 아프리카' - 가설 뒷받침 유전자 발견
박찬호 선수가 앞으로 6승을 추가하면 은퇴한 일본인 투수 노모 히데오가 보유한 아시안 투수 최다승 기록인 123승을 깨뜨리게 된다.
김진우 회원님께서는 2008-10-23 에 회원가입을 하셨으며, 회원가입 또는 회원정보수정시 메일 수신을 동의하셨습니다. 메일 수신을 원치 않으시면 수신거부를 클릭해 주시기 바랍니다.

본 메일은 정보통신망이용촉진및정보보호 등에 관한 법률 및 시행규칙을 준수한 발신전용 이메일로서,회신이 불가능 하오니 문의가 있으신 분은 고객만족센터를 이용해 주시기 바랍니다.

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