2012년 12월 12일 수요일

[12월 12일 학습메일] work out 의 뜻은 밖에서 일하다? 토익 사진묘사에서 확인하세요.

2012.12.12 Wednesday No.781

총 30문항. 질문에 가장 적절한 응답을 찾는 유형으로 순발력이 요구되는 파트
총 10문항. 사진을 보여주고 가장 잘 묘사된 선택지를 찾는 유형
Questions 1-5 refer to the following article.

Zito Co. Taking on New Life

July 15—Three months ago, Italian Restaurant Zito Co. was on the verge of bankruptcy. Despite its terrific chef, owner Clemente Zito, the business hadn’t made a profit in three years. Situated outside of the downtown area, it wasn’t able to draw enough customers. Clemente Zito could not afford to move the business to the center of the city, and his dreams of owning a successful restaurant started to look impossible.

But then, the business received unexpected attention at the Annual Cinema Awards. When accepting an award for his role in Coastal Crisis, James King mentioned that he would celebrate by having dinner at his favorite restaurant, Zito Co. Since that time, the restaurant has become a hot spot for fine dining. To keep up with the demand, Zito has hired 20 more servers and 5 additional chefs. He is also making arrangements to open a second restaurant in September.

Zito is excited about the opportunities his success has granted, and he wants to give back to the community. He is currently in the process of starting a charity that would offer free training in food handling and preparation. He hopes this would allow low-income individuals to learn skills that could be useful for getting a job in the food industry.

Why was Zito Co. unprofitable for three years?
(A) It was in a bad location.
(B) The chef was not talented.
(C) It received poor reviews.
(D) There was too much competition.
Who is James King?
(A) An actor
(B) A food critic
(C) A restaurant owner
(D) An athlete
What happened after the Annual Cinema Awards?
(A) The Zito Co. staff was expanded.
(B) Zito Co. was featured in a magazine.
(C) A new Zito Co. restaurant was opened.
(D) Zito Co. changed its menu options.
What is the purpose of Clemente Zito’s charity?
(A) To provide job interview training
(B) To teach cooking skills
(C) To feed low-income individuals
(D) To improve housing in poor areas
The word “draw” in paragraph 1, line 3 is closest in meaning to
(A) create
(B) notice
(C) infer
(D) attract

today key word
선반 : ledge, shelf
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