2011년 7월 13일 수요일

[7월 13일 학습메일] 오늘의 문법 - 수 일치에 유의해야 ��명사를 학습하세요!

2011.07.13. Wednesday No.379

총 30문항. 질문에 가장 적절한 응답을 찾는 유형으로 순발력이 요구되는 파트
Questions 1-3 refer to the following conversation.
What is the woman's problem?
(A) She can't open a file.
(B) Her report is lost.
(C) She can't meet a deadline.
(D) Her computer is broken.
What does the man recommend?
(A) Reprinting the file on paper
(B) Installing new software
(C) Updating the report
(D) Requesting an extension
What will the man do today?
(A) Have lunch with the woman
(B) Meet a friend at the airport
(C) Give a client a ride
(D) Take a flight in the afternoon
총 10문항. 사진을 보여주고 가장 잘 묘사된 선택지를 찾는 유형
Questions 1-3 refer to the following notice.

May 1st

We would like to inform all tenants of a change in the policy regarding smoking on the premises. As of June 1st, Sunbury Estates will become a smoke-free property. Smoking will not be permitted in any indoor area of the complex, including all individual units and other property buildings. The policy applies to tenants 1.------- their guests visiting the property. 

For apartments that contain balconies, smoking is permitted on these balconies. However, we ask that the sliding doors connecting to the balcony 2.------- closed so that smoke does not drift into the unit.

Additionally, designated smoking areas will be set up on the west side of Building 1 and in front of the maintenance building near the entrance. Please be sure to dispose of all smoking-related trash responsibly.

This policy is being implemented in order to reduce the health effects of secondhand tobacco smoke and to keep our facilities in good 3.------- for future tenants. We appreciate your cooperation with this policy as we strive to make Sunbury Estates a pleasant and healthy environment for everyone.


Cora Delancey
Building Manager, Sunbury Estates

(A) in case
(B) in order that
(C) even though
(D) as well as
(A) remained
(B) remain
(C) remains
(D) to remain
(A) preference
(B) condition
(C) eligibility
(D) position
이런표현 궁금했다
한 컷 만화보기
오늘의 문장

You can use the high-quality shampoo provided at our hotel.

여러분은 저희 호텔에서 제공되는 고급 샴푸를 이용하실 수 있습니다.

오늘의 문법

[수 일치] 수 일치에 유의해야 할 명사

▶ 단수 취급
each / every--- / ---thing / ---body / ---one

* 단어 자체에 s가 들어가는 단어 주의!
politics / physics / economics

▶ 복수 취급
the poor/rich

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김진우 회원님께서는 2008-10-23 에 회원가입을 하셨으며, 회원가입 또는 회원정보 수정시 메일 수신을 동의하셨습니다.
메일 수신을 원치 않으시면 수신거부를 클릭해 주시기 바랍니다. 본 메일은 정보통신망이용촉진및정보보호 등에 관한 법률 및 시행규칙을
준수한 발신전용 이메일로서, 회신이 불가능 하오니 문의가 있으신 분은 고객만족센터를 이용해 주시기 바랍니다.

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