2009년 4월 12일 일요일

Send emails directly to dentists

Currently in Practice: Doctors in the United States

788,811 in total <> 17,315 emails

Featuring the most complete contact information in many different areas of medicine

Over a dozen sortable fields

Now priced at: $393

~~~~~ Get These Fr EE with every order this week ~~~~~

-> Listing of US Pharma Companies
47,000 personal emails and names of decision makers

-> American Hospitals
Full data for all the major positions in more than 7k facilities

-> Complete and Accurate Database for Dental Service Providers
Virtually every dentist in the USA with full contact details

-> US Chiropractor Directory
100k Chiropractors offices with full contact data including email, postal address, phone and fax

send email to: Carmine@medlistsources.com

exp. mar April 18

email stopping@medlistsources.com for delisting

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