2009년 4월 14일 화요일

[ÅäÀÍ&ÅäÀÍSpeaking] º¢²É ÃàÁ¦, ¿µ¾î·Î´Â ¾î¶»°Ô Ç¥ÇöÇÒ±î¿ä?

이제는 TOEIC Speaking 시대! e4u사이버어학원과 함께하세요. 2009 . 04 . 14 Tuesday
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[TOEIC] 제197회 (시험일 : 09.05.31)  접수기간 : 09.03.30 ~ 09.04.19
[TOEIC S&W] 제44회 (시험일 : 09.04.25)  접수기간 : 09.03.30 ~ 09.04.21
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넉넉한 수강기간(180일) + 23% 할인혜택까지!
오늘은 Part 7를 풀어볼까요?
Professor to Read from New Book Professor Charles Landers will read selections from his latest book, "Modern Urban Areas," on August 23 in the University Auditorium. The free event will take place from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. A book signing and reception will follow. The event is sponsored by the University Geography Society, the Metropolitan Urban League, and the Architectural Planning Commission. Professor Landers teaches geography and urban planning at the University, and has written more than a dozen books about the rise of modern cities, and the history of planned communities. For more information about this event, call 250-8931. Professor Landers will also speak on August 30 at the "Hot Topics" luncheon series sponsored by the Concerned Citizens Group at the City Library on Main Street. The cost is $8.00, including lunch. For information about this event, call 243-5367.

1. What will Professor Landers do on August 23?

a.Read from a book he has written.
b.Teach his first class at the University.
c.Speak at the "Hot Topics" luncheon series.
d.Attend a meeting of the Architectural Planning Commission.
2. What is learned about Professor Landers?

a.He has written more than 12 books.
b.He does not like planned communities.
c.He founded the Metropolitan Urban League.
d.He hosted the first "Hot Topics" luncheon series.
3. What is true about the "Hot Topics" talk?

a.It is held weekly.
b.The cost of admission includes a meal.
c.It will be held in the University Auditorium.
d.It is sponsored by the University Geography Society.

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