2011년 10월 19일 수요일

[10월 19일 학습메일] 롯데시네마에서 '당신이 궁금한 우리말 잉글리쉬' 찾아서 사진찍고 토마토페이스북에 올리면 선물이!!

2011.10.19. Wednesday No.445

총 30문항. 질문에 가장 적절한 응답을 찾는 유형으로 순발력이 요구되는 파트
총 10문항. 사진을 보여주고 가장 잘 묘사된 선택지를 찾는 유형
Questions 1-4 refer to the following letter.

Jesse Kemp
391 Hamill Avenue
Irvine, CA 92614

Dear Councilman Kemp,

This letter is regarding the construction along Ashwood Drive, which started on June 5th. I am pleased that the plans to widen the road are finally being realized. However, the disturbance caused by the noisy equipment is almost unbearable. I cannot believe that the council approved a schedule where drilling and operating loud machinery takes place between the hours of 8 p.m. and 5 a.m. The heavy machinery is constantly in use during the nighttime hours, and some of my neighbors have even reported having to sleep elsewhere because of the noise. I believe this is unacceptable.

I called the mayor’s office to find out more about this project and was told to call my district councilman, who is Steven Eckman. He had very little information about the project, so he referred me to one of the engineers in the Department of Public Works, Helen Stone. Ms. Stone informed me that this schedule was determined to be the most convenient time for working on the road because of the high volume of traffic on Ashwood Drive during the day. As a resident of this neighborhood, I believe that creating a detour for traffic away from the site is a much better alternative to this nighttime work, especially since the rush hours make up only a fraction of the working day. In comparison to the nighttime work, this option would also be much more cost effective, because the city would not have to pay overtime hours to the crew.

As you can see, I have been in touch with several city officials and still have not received a satisfactory response to my concerns. I feel that the residents in this area are being ignored, and as the work is expected to continue for the next two weeks, something must be done. My neighbors and I are in agreement that if we are not able to rely on the city for support, we will be forced to petition for the closure of this project.


Janice Lesko

What is the main purpose of this letter?
(A) To make a complaint
(B) To inquire about construction
(C) To announce project details
(D) To respond to an inquiry
What is the purpose of the construction along Ashwood Drive?
(A) To repair a curb
(B) To add a sidewalk
(C) To make a road larger
(D) To repave a street
What does Ms. Lesko recommend?
(A) Discontinuing work during the rush hours
(B) Rerouting traffic
(C) Postponing a project
(D) Parking machinery elsewhere
What benefit of Ms. Lesko’s proposal is mentioned?
(A) It would take up less space.
(B) It would save time.
(C) It would avoid accidents.
(D) It would reduce costs.
이런표현 궁금했다
한 컷 만화보기
오늘의 문장

Will you be able to work full-time?

전일제로 근무할 수 있겠어요

오늘의 문법

[<이유>를 나타내는 종속접속사] since

Since S + V, S + V.

Since it is you who ask it,
I will try my best.
니가 부탁했으니 최선을 다하는 거야.

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