2010년 3월 31일 수요일

토마토 Daily 학습 메일 (3월 31일)

토마토메인 토익교재서비스 텝스교재서비스 토익스터디 토마토카페 토익/텝스정보

The charity dinner at Sainsbury Hall will be a formal occasion, and guests are expected to
dress -------.    
(A) enormously  
(B) peacefully  
(C) accordingly  
(D) evidently  

The HR manager will begin interviewing ------- for the position of executive secretary
sometime next week.    
(A) applies  
(B) applicable  
(C) applications  
(D) applicants  

Check out your local community notice board!

여러분의 지역 사회 공지 게시판을 확인해 보세요!

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Fepco's new solar energy systems take _______ of the natural, inexhaustible resource of sunlight to generate electricity.

A. benefit B. count
C. credit D. advantage

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