2010년 3월 24일 수요일

토마토 Daily 학습 메일 (3월 24일)

토마토메인 토익교재서비스 텝스교재서비스 토익스터디 토마토카페 토익/텝스정보

Moses Clarke, a jazz pianist from New Orleans, has been ------- music and performing at
shows for over 20 years.    
(A) investing  
(B) composing  
(C) feeling  
(D) declaring  

The customer database should be readily ------- to all salespeople, as it could be a valuable
resource for them.    
(A) accessible  
(B) exceptional  
(C) obvious  
(D) regular  

As far as I know, it`s shut.

제가 아는 한, 문을 닫았어요.

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Once _______, the companies will have a twenty percent market share, just a few percentage points behind the market leader, Barton.

A. merge B. are merging
C. merged D. have merged

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