| | | | | | | | | | | | | 교과목을 축소하려는 정부 (Schools to Decrease Subjects) | | South Korean elementary school students have 10 classes a week. Middle school students have eleven to thirteen. However, the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology thinks students have too many classes. It thinks elementary school students ①______ ____ only seven classes. And it thinks middle school students should have only eight classes.
The Ministry said the change will improve school life. For example, students will not have music and art all year long. Instead, they will have music for one semester. Then, they will have art for the second semester. This plan will let schools and students concentrate more on major subjects.
"In this way, students ②____ ____ _____ courses each semester and the classes ③____ __ ____ effective. The education and learning will be more in depth," an official said.
"The Ministry will finish its plan ④__ ___ ___ of the month. It hopes to make the changes by 2011. It also wants to give schools more power. Then, each school can choose which classes to teach.
However, some people do not like the Ministry's new plan. They say students will have less variety. They don't want students to only study the major subjects, like Korean, English and mathematics. | | | | | | | | | 클린튼 미 국무장관, 러시아에서 인권 중요성 강조 | | | | | | | | 영국, 캠브리지 대학교 -과학자들은 북극해가 앞으로 10년안에 여름철에는 대부분 얼음이 사라지게 될 것이라고 한다. | | | | | | | | | | |
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