| | | 오늘의 문제 | 3. What problem do the speakers have? (A) They might not have fruit ready for the workshops. (B) The training manuals will not be printed by Thursday. (C) They need to order more furniture for the event. (D) The catering company is not available tomorrow. | | | | 오늘의 문제 | 1. Despite incurring losses from currency devaluation last year, Trimwick Corporation ------- managed to pay off its bank loans. (A) like (B) still (C) too (D) however | | | | | 오늘의 표현 | | | | | 오늘의 뉴스 | | 해커스 가족 여러분 안녕하세요? 미 정부는 올해 초 경기부양책의 일환으로 세금 환급을 실시했습니다. 당시 미 국세청(IRS)은 이름과 사회보장번호가... | | | | | | | | |
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