2013년 10월 8일 화요일

[10월 08일 학습메일] 토익 나라별 발음 듣기: work, job, assignment 단어와 발음이 달라도 뜻은 하나!

2013.10.08 Tuesday no. 990

총 30문항. 질문에 가장 적절한 응답을 찾는 유형으로 순발력이 요구되는 파트
총 10문항. 사진을 보여주고 가장 잘 묘사된 선택지를 찾는 유형
Questions 1-3 refer to the following article.

Study Reveals Health Potential of Honey

A recent study carried out by Caldwell University found that consuming honey can boost health by supporting the functions of the immune system. Researchers released their preliminary ------- last week
                                                                              1. (A) warnings
                                                                                 (B) hearings
                                                                                 (C) coverings
                                                                                 (D) findings

and are expected to publish a comprehensive paper in a medical journal upon completion of a full examination of the statistics.

The study included 240 adults from ages 30 to 45. Participants were randomly assigned to one of two experimental groups. The first group was instructed to drink a glass of water containing a tablespoon of honey every morning while the other group was instructed to drink water only. After six months, the ------- group displayed a number of benefits from the treatment. They experienced fewer colds, more
                                                     2. (A) definite
                                                        (B) former
                                                        (C) mutual
                                                        (D) latter

energy, and faster healing times from illness, compared to the group that drank water. Further testing is required to determine the applications of the study, but researchers say the results are very -------. They
                                                                                         3. (A) ambitious
                                                                                             (B) dependable
                                                                                             (C) diagnostic
                                                                                             (D) promising

believe that this natural and inexpensive treatment can promote health and fight disease.

(A) warnings
(B) hearings
(C) coverings
(D) findings
(A) definite
(B) former
(C) mutual
(D) latter
(A) ambitious
(B) dependable
(C) diagnostic
(D) promising

today key word
업무 : work, job, assignment
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