2012년 9월 24일 월요일

[9월 24일 학습메일] 영어 전문가들이 알려주는 제대로 듣고, 제대로 말하는 방법! 50% 할인 기획전!

2012.09.24 Monday No.726

총 30문항. 질문에 가장 적절한 응답을 찾는 유형으로 순발력이 요구되는 파트
총 10문항. 사진을 보여주고 가장 잘 묘사된 선택지를 찾는 유형
Questions 1-3 refer to the following review.

1-Excellent, 2-Good, 3-Fair, 4-Poor

Huntz Hotel

Amenities: 1
Each room features a flat screen TV, complimentary Wi-Fi access, balcony, and a comfortable bed. Rooms are available in a variety of sizes. The deluxe suites include a Jacuzzi bathtub.

Cleanliness: 2
Rooms are cleaned thoroughly each day. The lobby is in good condition with slightly worn furniture. Some trash was found on the ground near the main entrance.

Service: 2
The front desk staff is friendly and professional. Room service is available. The menu is limited, but the food arrives promptly.

Location: 3
The hotel is located about 45 minutes from the airport and over an hour from downtown.

What is true about the rooms at Huntz Hotel?
(A) They all feature a Jacuzzi bathtub.
(B) They have free Internet access.
(C) They are all the same size.
(D) They have an ocean view from the balcony.
Why most likely didn’t the hotel receive a top score for its cleanliness?
(A) Stains on lobby furniture
(B) Lack of clean bedding
(C) Inadequate room cleaning
(D) Litter near the main entrance
According to the review, what is the problem with the hotel’s room service meals?
(A) They don’t taste good.
(B) They lack variety.
(C) They are overpriced.
(D) They are slow to arrive.

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