2012년 9월 18일 화요일

[9월 18일 학습메일] 공개특강! 토마토가 알려주는 '스피드리딩'의 비법! 선착순 마감임박!

2012.09.18 Tuesday No.722

총 30문항. 질문에 가장 적절한 응답을 찾는 유형으로 순발력이 요구되는 파트
총 10문항. 사진을 보여주고 가장 잘 묘사된 선택지를 찾는 유형
Questions 1-3 refer to the following article.

Small Changes Can Boost Productivity

November 15 — A recent study conducted by the National Workers Association suggests that air quality is closely linked to worker productivity. Fortunately, there are several easy steps that can be taken to improve air quality, resulting in happier, healthier employees. First, control sources of pollution. That means keeping surfaces dust-free, using natural cleansers, and keeping heating and cooling units well maintained. Second, avoid still air. Use a fan to move air through the area, and open doors and windows whenever possible. Finally, remove impurities in the air. This can be done in several ways. Place an air purifier in each room and change the filers regularly. Modern air purifiers operate almost silently and collect large particles in the air. However, these devices do use quite a bit of energy and cannot remove gases. In addition to electronic purifiers, potted plants can greatly improve the air quality. They absorb harmful substances from the air and are also visually appealing. Taking these measures can be an effective way to improve health and increase productivity levels.

What is mentioned as a way to control pollution sources?
(A) Banning smoking within the building
(B) Not allowing dust to build up
(C) Using government-approved cleansers
(D) Installing new heating and cooling units
According to the article, what can a fan be used for?
(A) Circulating the air
(B) Keeping temperatures low
(C) Drying out a room
(D) Getting rid of odors
What disadvantage of air purifiers is mentioned?
(A) They are too noisy.
(B) They are not energy-efficient.
(C) They release gases.
(D) They tend to be expensive.

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집 : home, house, property
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