2012년 6월 25일 월요일

[6월 25일 학습메일] 오늘 오전 9시 OPEN! 여름방학 80일 토익 끝장내기! 쿠팡에서 확인하세요!

2012.06.25 Monday No.662

총 30문항. 질문에 가장 적절한 응답을 찾는 유형으로 순발력이 요구되는 파트
총 10문항. 사진을 보여주고 가장 잘 묘사된 선택지를 찾는 유형
Questions 1-4 refer to the following article.

Business Update: FreshFoods

April 29—The supermarket chain FreshFoods has seen strong profits over the past few years, and a spokesperson for the company announced today that FreshFoods is investing heavily in a project that would build seven new stores by 2015. This would more than double the size of the company, which currently operates three stores in Fort Walker and two in Cottage City. The decision was made based on projections for the upcoming years. The store’s introduction of an organic foods section was wildly popular with consumers and pushed the company to number one for grocery providers in the region, ahead of long-time leader Nutri-Mart. The company’s dedication to excellent customer service has also contributed to its success. A project of this scale could be risky for the company, but its executives believe that the timing is right for bringing FreshFoods to more communities. As soon as construction schedules are confirmed, the company will announce the exact dates for the operation of each store on its Web site.

What is the article mainly discussing?
(A) The relocation of a local supermarket
(B) A special promotion on FreshFoods products
(C) A meeting with FreshFoods shareholders
(D) A grocery store’s plans for expansion
How many stores does FreshFoods have now?
(A) Two
(B) Three
(C) Five
(D) Seven
What can be inferred about Nutri-Mart?
(A) Its stock prices have recently d r o p p e d sharply.
(B) It is the largest national supermarket chain.
(C) It has higher prices than FreshFoods.
(D) It is FreshFoods’ main competitor.
According to the article, what will appear on the FreshFoods Web site?
(A) Operating hours
(B) Store opening dates
(C) Construction schedules
(D) Discount coupons

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