2010년 1월 11일 월요일

토마토 Daily 학습 메일

토마토메인   2010년 01월 11일 토익교재서비스 텝스교재서비스 토익스터디 토마토카페 토익/텝스 정보
Questions 1-2 refer to the following report.
Choircom Acquires TelePol

It was announced in a press release today that Choircom has acquired Polish telecommunications
provider TelePol for $1.5 billion. This acquisition was dependent on approval from Poland's
Commerce Commission, which, after weeks of consideration, finally came through last Friday.

The Dubai-based media and communications conglomerate Choircom has been looking to move
into the Eastern European market for some time. As a result, Choircom executives were delighted
to have the opportunity to take over Poland's largest telecommunications company.

Choircom spokespeople have been quick to assure TelePol's 35,000-strong workforce that there
will be no lay-offs or corporate restructuring in the medium term. Choircom executives intend to
spend the first few months familiarizing themselves with TelePol's systems and the Polish market
before deciding whether to take actions to improve the organization's efficiency.

According to the report, why did Choircom make this acquisition?    
(A) To capitalize on a bargain offering  
(B) To gain entry to the Eastern European market  
(C) To make up for underperformance in other markets  
(D) To invest capital in a different industry  

What is noted about TelePol employees?    
(A) They can make submissions to the commerce commission.  
(B) They will be subjected to corporate restructuring.  
(C) They will have to familiarize themselves with new systems.  
(D) They will keep their jobs in the meantime.  

The parking lot is full of cars.

주차장이 자동차로 가득 차 있다.

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In a survey of 2,000 youths aged twelve to seventeen, twice as many said they could talk ------- to their mothers than to their fathers.
A. easy B. easier
C. easily D. more easily

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