To: Admin. Staff
From: Professional Development Team
Date: December 18
Re: Skills-Building Session Follow-up I want to thank everyone for their participation in last week's time management skills training
session. According to the session coordinator, Tessa Jones, everyone in the group 1. -------
valuable contributions to the discussion. Now, Ms. Jones wants to schedule a follow-up session
next week to check up on you, and make sure you're putting some of the time-savings strategies
into action. The session will be held this Thursday, December 21, at 4:00 pm.
Attendance at the session is 2. ------- for all members of the administration staff. However, if you
choose not to attend the training, it would be considerate to email Ms. Jones and let her know.
Please also inform your supervisor or manager of your absence.
Several members of the professional development department will also be 3. ------- attendance.
We look forward to seeing you on Thursday.
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