2009년 11월 10일 화요일

[무료학습메일] 결혼과 사랑의 목적 - 영1지

No.964    2009. 11. 10. Tuesday
☆★ ET-house 大 변신 프로젝트 ★☆
어떻게 달라지는지 궁금하세요?
[ET-Daily 11/2부터 신청 중단합니다]
[틴즈 유료mp3] 지원 기종 확인하세요.
[틴즈 무료mp3] 교재명으로 찾으세요.
Questions 1 - 4 refer to the following letter.
Mr. Tim Jenkins, Public Relations Manager
Caldwell Hardware Inc.
114 Lipton Avenue
Portland, Oregon

June 15, 2007

Dear Mr. Jenkins,

On behalf of the Portland Soccer League, I would like to invite you to extend the sponsorship contract you have with us. I'm sure you'll agree that it has been a very successful year for soccer in the region, and we couldn't have done it without your support.

I hope that your company also got a lot of benefit from the sponsorship deal. Certainly, we feel you got a very good return on your investment as the league got even more exposure than we had projected. Crowds at games were bigger than at any time in the league's history, and there was also more coverage of the league in the local media than ever before. Moreover, we anticipate that local interest in the soccer league will continue growing over the next year.

Having enjoyed such an excellent working relationship over this past year, we would love to secure a deal with your company for next season's league as well. I'm sure we can reach an agreement that is mutually beneficial. Please contact me as soon as possible regarding this proposal. Keep in mind that we need to have all major sponsorship deals confirmed by the end of June.
Thank you for your consideration.

Ruud Hajenken
President of the Portland Soccer League

Why has this letter been written?    
(A) To terminate a contract with the company  
(B) To solicit sponsorship for a sports league  
(C) To invite Mr. Jenkins to a formal function  
(D) To offer assistance to the local media  

What is NOT mentioned about this year's league?    
(A) Sponsorship money has been increasing annually.  
(B) Mr. Jenkins' company was a sponsor.  
(C) More people watched the games.  
(D) Media interest in the competition grew.  

According to the letter, what do the administrators expect to increase next year?    
(A) Investment from key sponsors  
(B) Interest in the league  
(C) The number of soccer clubs  
(D) The league's administration costs  

Why should Mr. Jenkins respond quickly?    
(A) (A) The league begins in June.  
(B) The season is nearly over.  
(C) The deal needs to be finalized soon.  
(D) The media is waiting for the result.  
My new house is situated in a peaceful residential neighborhood.

저의 새 집은 조용한 주택가에 있어요.
결혼의 목적, 사랑의 목적

Love is the ability and willingness to allow those that you care for to be what they choose for themselves without any insistence that they satisfy you.
~ Wayne Dyer



Love is to bring out the best in each other.
~ Author Unknown


둘이 먹다가 하나 죽어도 모른다 (food) to die for

[강사 : Curie Lim]

- Boston University, MA, USA 졸업
- 숙명여자대학교 TESOL과정 수료
- 現 중앙대학교 대학원 영어교육 전공
- 미국, 홍콩 등 해외 체류 20년
- SK, 삼성 등 대 기업체 임직원 대상 영어강의

둘이 먹다가 하나 죽어도 모른다 (food) to die for

A : 라면 아직 멀었니?
How's the ramen coming along?

B : 갑니다, 가요.
It's coming!

둘이 먹다가 하나 죽어도 모르는 맛있는 라면이 갑니다.
Here it comes, the ramen to die for.

[한국의 명소] 경주 - 석굴암/불국사
그럼 한국에서 가장 유명한 관광지 중 하나겠네요.
It's one of the most famous tourist places in Korea, then.
경주에 가면 어디어디를 둘러보는 게 좋은가요?
Where are the good places to visit there?
불국사'라는 오래된 절이 있는데, 꼭 한 번 둘러보세요.
There is a very old temple called 'Bulguksa' which you must visit.

오바마 행정부, 대 쿠바 제재. 대화 병행 다짐
미국 실업률 10.2 퍼센트, 1983년 이래 최고치 도달
김진우 회원님께서는 2008-10-23 에 회원가입을 하셨으며, 회원가입 또는 회원정보수정시 메일 수신을 동의하셨습니다. 메일 수신을 원치 않으시면 수신거부를 클릭해 주시기 바랍니다.

본 메일은 정보통신망이용촉진및정보보호 등에 관한 법률 및 시행규칙을 준수한 발신전용 이메일로서,회신이 불가능 하오니 문의가 있으신 분은 고객만족센터를 이용해 주시기 바랍니다.

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