2010년 6월 24일 목요일

[토익&토익Speaking] 인터넷 중독 관련 신조어에 대해서 알아볼까요?

이제는 TOEIC Speaking 시대! e4u사이버어학원과 함께하세요. 2010 . 06 . 24 Thursday
[e4u.com 6월 이벤트]
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[TOEIC] 제211회 (시험일 : 10.07.25)  접수기간 : 10.05.31 ~ 10.06.27
[TOEIC S&W] 제77회 (시험일 : 10.07.04)  접수기간 : 10.05.03 ~ 10.06.30
red meat  boarding area  requirement 
registered mail  proficiency  crack 
concentrated  disarray  confinement 
토익 Speaking 단기완성(1,2탄) + 모의테스트 패키지
짧고 굵게 끝내는 토익 Speaking 준비!
오늘은 Part 7를 풀어볼까요?
"Smart Sign" Installed Downtown Motorists driving on Main Street will be able to quickly check their vehicle's efficiency and exhaust emissions, thanks to a new program that goes into effect on Monday. The "Smart Sign" is a new device developed by the Regional Clean Air Council to instantaneously measure hydrocarbon emissions from exhaust as vehicles drive past. The Smart Sign will flash a reading of "good," "fair," or "poor." A good reading indicates a car's engine is running efficiently and putting little pollution into the air. A reading of fair or poor tells drivers they may have engine problems.

1. What is true about the Smart Sign?

a.It will help to reduce traffic jams.
b.It will be installed on Main Street.
c.It has been in use for over a year.
d.It is being used to enforce traffic laws.
2. What does the Smart Sign do?

a.It reads license plates as vehicles drive past.
b.It measures gasses emitted by passing vehicles.
c.It directs traffic at a major downtown intersection.
d.It counts the numbers and kinds of vehicles that drive past.
3. What can a driver learn from the Smart Sign?

a.Which routes have the least traffic
b.Current weather and road conditions
c.Whether a vehicle's engine has problems
d.Whether the vehicle is traveling within the speed limit

※ 버튼이 활성화되지 않을 경우 이곳에서 학습해 주세요.

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