2011년 1월 3일 월요일

[1월 3일 학습메일] 2011년 새로워진 '토마토 RC 데일리 강의'를 소개합니다!

itomato itomato
2011.01.03. Monday No.249

총 30문항. 질문에 가장 적절한 응답을 찾는 유형으로 순발력이 요구되는 파트
(A) (B) (C) (D)
(A) (B) (C) (D)
총 10문항. 사진을 보여주고 가장 잘 묘사된 선택지를 찾는 유형
Questions 1-3 refer to the following email.

TO: Donald Brody
FROM: Susan Graves
DATE: September 2nd
SUBJECT: A task for you

Dear Mr. Brody,

As you know, we have completed the hiring process for the customer care representative positions. We had a number of impressive applicants and I think you will be pleased with the selections made by the committee. Unfortunately, one of the trainees, Alan Mason, was unable to attend the call center training due to a family medical issue. We are confident that Mr. Mason will do a fantastic job because of his outgoing personality and his people skills. However, his background is mainly in sales, so he doesn't have much experience. That's why we really need someone to train him. I cannot assist with the training because I will be out of town for two weeks starting tomorrow. Eleanor Malloy recommended you as a trainer because you have instructed employees in the past. As your manager, I'm sure she is the best person to make this decision.

Please email me back and let me know when you are available. I think it shouldn't take more than a few hours.


Susan Graves

Which department recently hired new employees?
(A) Sales
(B) Administration
(C) Human resources
(D) Customer service
Why wasn't Mr. Mason able to attend the training?
(A) He had to meet with a client.
(B) He was suffering from an illness.
(C) He had a family emergency.
(D) He was out of town.
Who is Eleanor Malloy?
(A) A trainer
(B) A new employee
(C) A job candidate
(D) A supervisor
이런표현 궁금했다
오늘의 표현 강의
복지부동 look the other way / turn a blind eye
한 컷 만화보기
오늘의 문장

He's working at the construction site.

남자가 공사 현장에서 일하고 있다.

오늘의 문법

[강조] the very + 명사

the very book
바로 그 책

the very best (명사)
바로 최고의 (명사)

영자신문 받아쓰기
오늘의 주제
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[취업 선배의 Tip] SBS CNBC 박새암 앵커
[취업 스펙 공유] IBK기업은행 합격수기
[취업 뉴스] 연말 공기업 채용 '훈풍'
[토익스피킹] 무한도전 6기
[영어 회화] 영어! 겁먹지말자!!
심층 영어 토론 스터디 후기
[TOEIC]Part5 빈출 동사 [talk-speak-tell-say] 제대로 이해하기
[GENERAL]양 (quantity)을 나타내는 표현
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[Business] 기본동사 미니강의
[Speaking] 미국영어 vs 영국영어
[General] Dictation 시리즈
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