2009년 12월 14일 월요일

토마토 Daily 학습 메일

토마토메인   2009년 12월 14일 토익교재서비스 텝스교재서비스 토익스터디 토마토카페 토익/텝스 정보
Questions 1-3 refer to the following article.
------- in the past people used to rely exclusively on food to meet all their dietary requirements,
1. (A) However
(B) Whereas
   (C) Before
   (D) Nevertheless
a growing number of people are using supplements to keep themselves fit and healthy. Dietary
supplements are becoming more and more popular with consumers, with a study conducted by
Milton-McGregor Research showing that consumption of supplements has tripled in the last

Analysts speculate that the reason for this change is because, in today's fast-paced world, it can
be difficult to find the time to maintain a healthy and balanced diet. Dietary supplements are a
simple and cost-effective way for people to get their correct daily ------- of essential vitamins and
2. (A) appointment

(B) routine
(C) dosage
(D) habit

The market for supplements was pioneered largely by health food stores. These stores stock a
number of healthy products, including items such as vitamin pills and herbal teas. ------- by the
growth of these specialty stores,
3. (A) Spur

(B) Spurred
(C) Spurring
   (D) Spurs
supermarkets and pharmacies have also begun selling dietary supplements in large quantities.
(A) However
(B) Whereas
(C) Before
(D) Nevertheless
(A) appointment
(B) routine
(C) dosage
(D) habit
(A) Spur
(B) Spurred
(C) Spurring
(D) Spurs

We make it a rule to sterilize all our produce to remove any harmful germs.

저희는 해로운 세균을 없애기 위해 모든 농산물을 살균하는 것을 원칙으로 하고 있습니다.

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전세계 178 개국을 대상으로 한 설문조사 결과 교통사고 사망피해의 30~40%가 음주 때문인 것으로 조사됐습니다. 유엔 산하 국제보건기구 관계자들은 음주운전 단속이 단순히...
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This Awards Ceremony ------- every year to acknowledge and recognize students, staff, and faculty that demonstrate a commitment to medical education.
A. have held B. is held
C. are held D. to be held

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