2009년 5월 14일 목요일

[ÅäÀÍ&ÅäÀÍSpeaking] sure thing, ¾î¶² ¶§¿¡ »ç¿ëÇÏ´Â ¸» Àϱî¿ä?

이제는 TOEIC Speaking 시대! e4u사이버어학원과 함께하세요. 2009 . 05 . 14 Thursday
e4u 오/감/만/족 event!
맥스무비 영화 예매권에
던킨 커피&도넛 세트까지!
이 혜택의 주인공은 뉴구~?
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[TOEIC] 제198회 (시험일 : 09.06.28)  접수기간 : 09.04.27 ~ 09.05.17
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당신이 원하는! 꼭 필요한 최적의 커리큘럼!
넉넉한 수강기간(180일) + 23% 할인혜택까지!
오늘은 Part 7를 풀어볼까요?
To: All Employees
From: Alex Griffin, Personnel Manager
Date: June 23, 2003
Subject: Clarification of Overtime Policy

As you all know, this is our busiest time of year, and many of you have had to work overtime recently. Several people have come to me asking for clarification of the company's overtime policy. While this information is detailed in the Employee Handbook (page 12), I will summarize it here. Hourly employees are paid an overtime rate of time-and-a-half for all approved hours worked beyond the standard 40-hour work week (Monday through Friday). Employees who work approved overtime on Saturdays, Sundays, or holidays are paid double time for those hours, regardless of how many regular or overtime hours they worked that week. All overtime hours must be authorized in advance by the employee's supervisor. If you have any questions, please come see me in my office.

1. Why has this memorandum been written?
a.To explain company policy
b.To thank employees for their hard work
c.To address complaints that employees have raised
d.To let employees know that the company's busiest season is approaching
2. What is learned about the company?
a.It has hired many new employees.
b.It is about to release a new product line.
c.It pays double time for work on weekends.
d.It encourages employees to make suggestions for improving its products.

※ 버튼이 활성화되지 않을 경우 이곳에서 학습해 주세요.

영어 시험에 강해지는 TOEIC 주문!
최신 경향 반영! 핵심문법 정리! 문제풀이까지!
법정에서 자주 쓰는 표현에는 어떠한 것들이 있나요?

법정에서 자주 쓰는 표현

* 증인은 오직 진실만을 말할
"토익 Speaking"하면, e4u !
단기간에! 쉽고 빠르게!
Speaking 못하면 끝이다!
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이거 하나면 취업걱정 끝!
토익 Speaking 완벽대비!
확실한 결과, sure thing
얼마 전, 국내 프로야구 1위와 2위 팀 간의 맞대결에서 진기한 장면들이 많이 연출되었다. 경기 시간이 5시간을 초과해 자정을 넘어 무박 2일로 경기가 진행되었고, 더 이상 쓸 투수가 없어서 수비수 중 한 명이 투수 ...>>more
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