2009년 1월 15일 목요일

[ÅäÀÍ&ÅäÀÍSpeaking]'Wake up and smell the coffee!'ÀÇ Àǹ̴Â?

이제는 TOEIC Speaking 시대! e4u사이버어학원과 함께하세요. 2009 . 01 . 15 Thursday
책값을 지켜라~!!
더 이상의 책값 낭비는 이제 그만~
토익 잘하고 싶은 모든 자여!
e4u에서 교재받고 토익정복하라!
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[TOEIC] 제194회 (시험일 : 09.02.22)  접수기간 : 08.12.22 ~ 09.01.18
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하루 10분도 소홀히 할 수 없는 당신을 위한!
닌텐도 토익 DS 약점극복 패키지 OPEN!!
오늘은 Part 7를 풀어볼까요?
TIPS FOR ALLERGY SUFFERERS Allergies are among America`s most common ailments, responsible for an estimated 3.5 million missed workdays and 2 million missed schooldays each year. Experts say allergies are worth $2.4 billion a year in health care costs. Allergy professionals offer the following advice: - Use allergy medications early. Begin taking allergy medication one or two weeks before the season starts. - Plan outdoor activities for when the sun is out. Plants produce pollen mainly during the early morning and early evening, when the sun is lower in the sky. - Wash your clothes often. Pollen sticks to clothes and is brought into the house with you. Change your clothes when you come in from outside and wash your outdoor clothes promptly. - Use air conditioning. Air conditioners filter pollen from the air. - Watch the weather. Allergy symptoms tend to worsen just after a rain storm, because plants do not usually release pollen when it`s raining - they wait until the rain stops. Molds, another common source of allergens, tend to proliferate in rainy, humid conditions. - Learn about the plants in your area. Some plants pollinate in early spring or early summer, while others wait until fall. In southern areas, where growing seasons are longer, some plants pollinate as many as three or four times a year.

1. What is noted about allergies?
a.They have become easy to treat.
b.They are becoming more common.
c.They affect 2.4 billion people worldwide.
d.They cause 3.5 million missed workdays annually.
2. What is said about allergy medications?
a.They are only useful for certain kinds of allergies.
b.They should not be taken without consulting a doctor.
c.They should be taken one or two weeks before allergy season.
d.They should be taken one or two weeks before allergy season.
3. What is NOT stated about pollen?
a.It can be filtered with air conditioners.
b.It can be brought into homes on clothing.
c.It is produced by trees, grasses, and flowers.
d.It is released in the early morning and early evening.

※ 버튼이 활성화되지 않을 경우 이곳에서 학습해 주세요.

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남을 평가하는 표현에는 어떠한 것들이 있나요?

*남을 평가하는 표현*

He's fat (x)
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'Wake up and smell the coffee!'의 의미는?
영어 표현에 아침 커피 향과 관련해 'wake up and smell the coffee'라는 표현이 있다. 멍하게 집중을 안 하는 사람이나 제정신을 차려야 하는 사람에게 쓰는...>>more
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