2009년 8월 5일 수요일

[무료 학습메일] 어머, 정말 감쪽같아 - 이런표현 궁금했다.

No.896    2009. 08. 05. Wednesday
여름방학 특별 이벤트 1탄-트리플 보너스
[오픈] 왕초보 English Fitness
[공지] 단과반 세트 판매 중지 (7/31)
[공지] 종합반 상품 판매 중지 (7/31)
Questions 1 - 3 refer to the following broadcast.

What does the company sell?    
(A) A certain kind of drink   (B) Various cakes  
(C) Tours of Asia              (D) Imported glasses  

When was the company founded?    
(A) In 2005                       (B) In 2006  
(C) Last year                   (D) 5 years ago  

What has the company done recently?    
(A) Doubled sales in Korea and Japan  
(B) Published a number of dessert recipes  
(C) Imported products from some Asian countries  
(D) Begun manufacturing beverages in East Asia  
The ladder is leaning against the wood railings.

사다리가 나무로 된 난간에 기대어 있다.
창업을 위한 원칙
A secretary working for a small company began mixing flour with nail varnish in order to white out the mistakes she was making in her typing. Pretty soon, her friends in the same office asked if she could make some for them.
감쪽같다 as good as new

[강사 : Gwen Lee]

- 미시시피 주립대, Oxford, Mississippi, U.S.
- (現) 테스트와이즈학원 토익스피킹 과목 담당

감쪽같다 as good as new

A : 옷장에 흠집이 생겨서 같은 색으로 칠해봤어. 어때?
     The closet had a scratch on it, so I painted a matching 
     color over it. How does it look?

B : 어머, 정말 감쪽같아.
     Why, it's as good as new!

B : 흠집이 전혀 안 보여.
     I can't see the scratch at all.

한국은 인터넷 이용자수가 엄청나죠?
So there's a huge number of internet users here, right?
네, 총인구 대비 인터넷 이용자수가 세계 최고예요.
Yes, Korea apparently has the highest number of online users in the world, per capita.
그 때문에 네티즌의 영향력도 막강해지고 있죠.
Because of that, the influence of 'Netizens,' or online community members, is growing fast.
4,700만년 전 (화석) 유골 - 인류 진화의 비밀 풀어줄까?
Scientists recently got their hands on the small skeleton of a 47-million-year-old creature unearthed in Germany in 1983. The skeleton had been in the custody of a private collector until 2007, when it was purchased by the University of Oslo Natural History Museum. It was reportedly nearly complete and in outstanding condition. Furthermore, scientists believe it can be used to help researchers understand the evolutionary history of monkeys, apes and humans.

Studies have not yet revealed what type of animal the skeleton came from. All scientists currently know is that it was a four-legged creature about the size of a cat with a long tail. Scientists say that the creature is definitely not an ancestor of monkeys or humans, but that it may help us understand what our ancient ancestors looked like.

However, not all scientists agree on the skeleton's importance or lineage. Some experts hint that the skeleton may only resemble our ancestral creatures in a superficial way.

"I actually don't think it's terribly close to the common ancestral line of monkeys, apes and people," said K. Christopher Beard from the Carnegie Museum of Natural History. "I would say it's about as far away as you can get from that line while still being a primate."

Experts do agree that the skeleton is a remarkable specimen, being nearly 95 percent complete. Scientists have even recovered fingertips and nails from the mysterious animal in question. The skeleton also revealed stomach contents, which show that the creature ate leaves and fruit.

"There's certainly a lot more information about this individual than probably any other fossil primate that's ever been revealed," said John Fleagle from the State University of New York at Stony Brook.

The fossil was found in a mine located 25 miles southeast of Frankfurt, Germany and was named Darwinius masillae after Charles Darwin. It was also given the nickname Ida, after the six-year-old daughter of one of the scientists.

이란, 대통령 선거항의 시위자 1백명 재판
버마, 북한 도움으로 핵무기 개발 중이라고 망명자들이 밝혀
김진우 회원님께서는 2008-10-23 에 회원가입을 하셨으며, 회원가입 또는 회원정보수정시 메일 수신을 동의하셨습니다. 메일 수신을 원치 않으시면 수신거부를 클릭해 주시기 바랍니다.

본 메일은 정보통신망이용촉진및정보보호 등에 관한 법률 및 시행규칙을 준수한 발신전용 이메일로서,회신이 불가능 하오니 문의가 있으신 분은 고객만족센터를 이용해 주시기 바랍니다.

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