2011년 7월 5일 화요일

[7월 5일 학습메일] 토마토 TOEIC/OPIc 교재 구매시, 수험영어 온라인 특강 전원 증정!

2011.07.05. Tuesday No.373

총 30문항. 질문에 가장 적절한 응답을 찾는 유형으로 순발력이 요구되는 파트
(A) (B) (C) (D)
(A) (B) (C) (D)
총 10문항. 사진을 보여주고 가장 잘 묘사된 선택지를 찾는 유형
Questions 1-3 refer to the following email.

TO:  James Sankey
FROM: Marjorie Solomon
SUBJECT: Executive Changes

Dear Mr. Sankey,

I wanted to update you on the upcoming changes in the executive structure, as you were unable to attend Friday's meeting. CEO Christopher Jurgens will be leaving the company next month to take a position at Cleveland Steel. The decision was finalized with the board a few months ago, but was kept under wraps until a full transition plan could be implemented. Luckily, we have found a suitable replacement for the position, Sandra Diaz. Ms. Diaz has worked in the field for over 20 years, and she has substantial experience at the executive level.

Ms. Diaz will be meeting individually with all of the managers from October 3rd-7th in order to become acquainted with everyone on a personal level. These meetings will be casual and will not require any preparation on your part. Each meeting will take place sometime after lunch at an offsite location. Your meeting will be October 7th at 12:30 p.m. Ms. Diaz will later visit each department for a short introduction session on Tuesday, October 11th. All of the meet-and-greet sessions should be finished by October 14th and Ms. Diaz will officially take over leadership responsibilities on October 17th. Please meet with your team members the day before the introduction sessions begin so that you can brief them about the changes.

If you have any questions about the process, please let me know.

Marjorie Solomon

What did Mr. Sankey recently do?
(A) Hire an employee
(B) Join the board
(C) Miss a meeting
(D) Accept a position
What is true about Ms. Diaz's meetings with managers?
(A) They will include a meal.
(B) They will take place at the office.
(C) They will cover company structure.
(D) They will be one-on-one.
When should Mr. Sankey meet with his team?
(A) October 7th
(B) October 10th
(C) October 11th
(D) October 14th
이런표현 궁금했다
한 컷 만화보기
오늘의 문장

Unfortunately, Ms. Reid has been unable to fulfill all the tasks required of her.

안타깝게도, 리드 씨는 그녀에게 요구된 모든 업무를 완수할 수 없었습니다.

오늘의 문법

[때를 나타내는 전치사] until / by
* until ~까지 (계속)= till (전치사 접속사)
  I'll be away until Monday.

* by ~까지 (완료)
  I'll be back by Monday.

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[TOEIC]Part 5 빈출 동사 [talk-speak-tell-say]
토익 파트별 공략 Part 5
토익 파트별 공략 Part 6
토익 파트별 공략 Part 7 속독훈련
김진우 회원님께서는 2008-10-23 에 회원가입을 하셨으며, 회원가입 또는 회원정보 수정시 메일 수신을 동의하셨습니다.
메일 수신을 원치 않으시면 수신거부를 클릭해 주시기 바랍니다. 본 메일은 정보통신망이용촉진및정보보호 등에 관한 법률 및 시행규칙을
준수한 발신전용 이메일로서, 회신이 불가능 하오니 문의가 있으신 분은 고객만족센터를 이용해 주시기 바랍니다.

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