2011년 5월 7일 토요일

[영어]'반 이상 졸았어.' 이 말을 영어로 어떻게 표현하나요?

e4u사이버어학원에서 최강 강사와 강의로 영어 완전 정복하세요! 2011 . 05 . 07 Saturday
[e4u.com 5월 수강혜택]
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영어라는 언어로 그 느낌과 의도를 충실히 표현하는 문법 강의
'반 이상 졸았어.' 이 말을 영어로 어떻게 표현하나요?
파티, 공연, 영화 등이 지루하다고 할 때에는... >> more
토크쇼의 살아있는 영어 표현 내 것으로 만들기!
[e4u 영어회화] 토크쇼 잉글리쉬
Season Idioms
1. What does the underlined expression mean?
It is open season once again and everything is reviewable.
a.currently available for sale, legally able to be caught/hunted
b.A time of unrestrained harassment, criticism, or attack
c.a period when a company is not very busy
d.a period of time in the summer when there is not much news, especially political news
2. What does the underlined expression mean?
"iPod sales fell due to weak demand in slack season of consumer electronics."
a.currently available for sale, legally able to be caught/hunted
b.A time of unrestrained harassment, criticism, or attack
c.a period when a company is not very busy
d.a period of time in the summer when there is not much news, especially political news
3. What does the underlined expression mean?
The silly season for the news media has come again.
a.currently available for sale, legally able to be caught/hunted
b.A time of unrestrained harassment, criticism, or attack
c.a period when a company is not very busy
d.a period of time in the summer when there is not much news, especially political news

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