2010년 4월 6일 화요일

토마토 Daily 학습 메일 (4월 6일)

토마토메인 토익교재서비스 텝스교재서비스 토익스터디 토익스터디 토마토카페 토익/텝스정보

The Metro's restaurant critic gave a very positive ------- of Alby's Vegetarian House in the
 latest edition of the magazine.    
(A) periodical  
(B) review  
(C) check  
(D) study  

Wage negotiations between the teachers' union and the representatives from the district school
board are ------- well.    
(A) progressing  
(B) increasing  
(C) growing  
(D) shifting  

They are carrying boxes.

사람들이 상자들을 나르고 있다.

btn_발음호주  btn_발음영국  btn_발음미국
The library's policy states ________ children under the age of 11 must be supervised by an adult while in the building.
A. what B. that
C. so D. if

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