2010년 3월 3일 수요일

토마토 Daily 학습 메일

토마토메인 토익교재서비스 텝스교재서비스 토익스터디 토마토카페 토익/텝스정보
Questions 1-2 refer to the following invitation.

The Fielding Symphony Orchestra in association with the Fielding Homeless Shelter cordially
invites MR. GRAEME JONES to Classics by Candlelight.

As a contributor to aid relief organizations and other worthy causes, we want to give you the
opportunity to attend Classics by Candlelight. This is your chance to help support those in our
community who need help while also experiencing an enriching and enjoyable evening. All
proceeds from Classics by Candlelight go toward helping fund the Fielding Homeless Shelter.
Entry to the concert costs $100 per head, but attendees are encouraged to donate more if their
circumstances allow.

Classics by Candlelight is an annual concert performed by the world renowned Fielding
Symphony Orchestra. This year's concert will be held in the Faustine Auditorium on the 19th of
July, starting at 8 p.m. The program features classic pieces from some of the greatest musical
composers of all time, including Beethoven, Mozart and Bach. Visit www.classicsbycandlelight.
com to find out more.

If you would like to attend, please reply to Fielding Homeless Shelter Public Relations coordinator
Barbara Samuels by email at bsamuels@fchs.com, or on her cellphone at 202-6635-4968.
Attendance is limited to 500 guests, so please make sure you reply as quickly as possible in
order to guarantee your seat.

Thank you,
The team at Fielding Homeless Shelter

What is Mr. Jones urged to do?    
(A) Attend as many community events as he can  
(B) Purchase more than just one seat  
(C) Tell others about Classics by Candlelight  
(D) Contribute more than the ticket price  

How can Mr. Jones confirm his attendance?    
(A) By calling the Faustine Auditorium  
(B) By emailing the orchestra's PR coordinator  
(C) By contacting Homeless Shelter's representative  
(D) By completing the online process  
Right, he`ll handle it next week. 

네, 그가 다음 주에 그 일을 처리할 거예요.
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신생아 질병에 대한 첫 국제 조사가 발표됐습니다. 신생아 질병은 세계 어느 곳에서나 발생하는 것으로 나타났는데요, 이번 조사를 실시한 자선 기구 March of Dimes는...
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_____ a negotiated settlement out of court, the case will proceed to trial on the designated date.
A. Unless B. Because
C. Barring D. Except

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