2010년 2월 1일 월요일

Re; I have medical lists

US Medical Database � Updated Records 2009 (reg$999)
Complete Physician Database 788,800 doctors available for direct mail
Physician Email 48,500 (17,441Unique) Physician Fax Database 202,466
First name* Last name* Title* Specialty* Address (city, state, zip, county)*Medical School
Attended* Residency Training* Phone/Fax * Email* Website* Primary Specialty* Secondary Specialty*

=====Package 395.00=====

====Get These Below with order Above ====

1= 7145 Hospitals*23,000 Administrators.
2= Licensed Clinic/Dentist 597,959.
3= US Pharmaceutical Company 47,000 employees.
4= Chiropractors*108,421.
5= Acupuncture Database 23,988 records.
6= Alternative Medicine Clinics and Practitioners Database
There are 1,141,602 total records.

reply here Susanne@listmagic.org

contact rembox@listmagic.org for record exclusion.

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