2010년 1월 5일 화요일

Now you can market directly to doctors with our lists

Here's what we're offering for this week:

Currently in Practice: Medical Doctors in the US

788,708 in total * 17,557 emails

Many popular specialties like Emergency Medicine, Plastic Surgery,
OBGYN, Oncology, Pediatrics and more

16 different sortable fields

American Pharmaceutical Company Contact List
Names and email addresses of 47,000 employees in high-ranking positions

Hospital Facilities in the United States
complete contact information for CEO's, CFO's, Directors and more -
over 23,000 listings in total for more than 7,000 hospitals in the USA

Database of American Dentists
Virtually every dentist in America with full contact details

American Chiropractors Database
100,000 Chiropractors in the USA (worth $250 alone)

Directory of American Dentists
Practically every dentist in the US is listed here

This week only you pay: $395 all 6 datasets

Good until the end of this week.

Here for more info & samples: Susan@choicemedical.be

send an email to rembox@choicemedical.be to be excluded from future mailing.

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