2009년 7월 6일 월요일

[무료 학습메일] 그는 법 없이도 살 사람이야 - 이런표현 궁금했다

No.874    2009. 07. 06. Monday
여름방학 특별 이벤트 1탄-트리플 보너스
여행상품권 / 던킨도너츠 / 미술관
[이벤트 D-1] 3개의 강좌명 맞추기
[감동 실현] 골라잡는 종합반 혜택
[비교불가] 잘~나가는 PMP 특가전
Questions 1 - 3 refer to the following conversation.

What are the speakers talking about?    
(A) Doing some electrical maintenance  
(B) Replacing the office computers  
(C) Installing some software  
(D) Setting up a new Internet connection  

Approximately how long will the process take?    
(A) Two hours  
(B) One night  
(C) Two or three days  
(D) Over one week  

Why are they planning to do it over the weekend?    
(A) They do not want to disrupt employees.  
(B) That is when the technician is available.  
(C) They need time to test the changes out.  
(D) The IT manager scheduled the work then.  
I encourage you all to take a look at the beautiful architecture around the city.

여러분 모두에게 도시 곳곳에 있는 아름다운 건축물을 둘러보실 것을 권해드립니다.
대통령들의 명언
I am certain that after the dust of centuries has passed over our cities, we, too, will be remembered not for victories or defeats in battle or in politics, but for our contribution to the human spirit.
법 없이도 살 사람 straight shooter

[강사 : Kristine]

- London Trinity College TESOL
- TOEIC Speaking & Writing 만점 강사
- 한국 외국어 평가원 공식 PELT 추천 강사

법 없이도 살 사람 straight shooter

A : My dad has always been known as a straight shooter.
    우리 아버지는 늘 법 없이도 살 사람이란 말을 듣고 사셨어요.

B : You must really respect your father.
     아버님을 무척 존경하시나 보군요.

A : Yes, I do. That's why I try to follow in his footsteps.
     네. 그래서 저도 아버지처럼 살려고 노력 합니다.

물건을 두고 내리지 않으려면?
빌, 그 선반 위에 가방을 올려 놓지 마세요.
Bill, do you really want to put your bag on the overhead shelf?
Why not?
선반 위에 두고 꼭 잊어버리게 되더라구요.
You'll probably end up forgetting about it.
맞아요, 다시 또 잃어버리면 안 되죠.
1인 가구 - 한국의 사회 구조를 바꾸고 있다
Recent reports show that South Korean culture ① that may correspond with an increasing amount of Western influence and new modern standards among today's youth. For example, while living with one's parents until marriage ② , single renters now make up one fifth of all households in the nation's capital city according to the Seoul Development Institute. The Institute further predicted that the trend will increase to account for a quarter of all households by the year 2030.

Some traditionalists worry that South Korean society ③ crumbling with the sudden rise in the number of single renters; however, the figure is not limited to young Koreans and includes single professionals, the unemployed, divorcees, and senior citizens of all ages.

A majority of the young Koreans who live away from home, do so for education reasons, and not because they want to buck tradition. Many young middle-class Korean students choose to leave their hometowns in order to study in the nation's capital city, which is home to Korea's top universities and ④ . While these students may live apart from their parents, they generally live alone or with a student roommate and not with a partner, which is still considered to be taboo. Students, who grow up in Seoul and go on to attend university, often continue to live with their parents as dictated by tradition. (중략)

스웨덴, 유럽연합 순번제 의장국 임무시작
국립현대미술관, `만화-한국만화 100년`전 대규모 만화전시
김진우 회원님께서는 2008-10-23 에 회원가입을 하셨으며, 회원가입 또는 회원정보수정시 메일 수신을 동의하셨습니다. 메일 수신을 원치 않으시면 수신거부를 클릭해 주시기 바랍니다.

본 메일은 정보통신망이용촉진및정보보호 등에 관한 법률 및 시행규칙을 준수한 발신전용 이메일로서,회신이 불가능 하오니 문의가 있으신 분은 고객만족센터를 이용해 주시기 바랍니다.

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