2008년 12월 4일 목요일

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No.728    2008. 12. 04. Thursday
지치고 힘든 나에게 건네는 작은 선물~
올라 투명한 땅, 스페인을 선물하세요!
[오픈] 스피킹 마스터 클래스 - 과학&기술
[오픈] 리딩튜터 - 입문 (2009 개정)
[오픈] 리딩튜터 - 기본 (2009 개정)
Questions 1-3 refer to the following conversation.

What are the speakers discussing?    

(A) A serious staff shortage  
(B) An upcoming renovation  
(C) A team building exercise  
(D) A noisy construction site  

When will the work be completed?    
(A) This morning  
(B) Lunchtime  
(C) This afternoon  
(D) Tomorrow  

What has the man already done?    
(A) Complained to the owner of the building  
(B) Spoken with the site supervisor  
(C) Arranged for a quieter workspace  
(D) Had the workers reschedule the project  
Shouldn't you see a doctor about your legs?

의사에게 다리 진찰을 한번 받아봐야 하지 않겠어요?
지루함을 이겨냈을 때
Having once decided to achieve a certain task, achieve it at all costs of tedium and distaste. The gain in self-confidence of having accomplished a tiresome labor is immense. 
듣던 중 반가운 소리 music to one's ears

[강사 : Kristine]

- London Trinity College TESOL
- YBM 시사 ELS 영어 강사
- TOEIC Speaking & Writing 만점 강사
- 한국 외국어 평가원 공식 PELT 추천 강사

듣던 중 반가운 소리 music to one's ears

A: 경기가 점차 나아지고 있다고 하네요.
    Apparently the economy's picking up.

B: 그것 참, 듣던 중 반가운 소리네요. 
    That's music to my ears.

    이제 일자리가 많이 생기겠군요. 
    There'll be more jobs available now.

[한국사] 반만년의 유구한 역사
한국은 역사가 아주 오래 되었다고 들었습니다.
I heard that Korea has a long history.
예, 5천년도 더 됐죠.
Yes, of over 5,000 years.
그럼 기원전 훨씬 이전에 건국된 거네요?
So your country was established long before Christianity began.
맞아요. 기원전 2333년에 단군이 건국했죠.
That's right, in 2333 B.C., by Dangoon.

May 25, 2003

Dear Emily,


One of my lifelong dreams has finally come true! I'm actually learning how to cook my favorite Italian dishes right here in Italy!

When Andrew and I heard about a special tour package to Tuscany, we were thrilled. We immediately asked our travel agent to arrange the trip. I signed up for the Italian cooking classes, of course, while my husband opted for sightseeing, shopping, and playing golf.

My cooking lessons run for a week at Casa Alberto, an 18th century villa in the Casentino valley near Florence. The place is owned by my cooking instructor, Paola Mondani, a chef who has worked in several European restaurants and has written a book on Italian cuisine. Paola is wonderful. She teaches in a very friendly and cheerful manner. And you know what? She goes to the public market every morning to buy fresh ingredients for our dishes. She even bakes the bread that goes with our pasta recipes!

Although the cooking sessions are elaborate, my classmates are given enough time for sightseeing. We go out every day to enjoy the beautiful Tuscan countryside and meet the local residents. Tomorrow, in fact, we will visit a vineyard and a producer of olive oil. I've convinced Andrew to go with us. Who else will carry all the bottles of wine and oil that I plan to buy?

So, how are things in Manhattan? Once I'm back there, I'll invite you, Mom, and Dad to my apartment for a taste of my home cooked ravioli and this recipe they call the trenette alpesto!


Your sister,


What can be said about Paola Mondani?
  (a) She owns and manages a vineyard.
(b) She is an avid sportswoman.
(c) She avoids going to public places.
(d) She is an efficient teacher.
What does Marianne plan to do when she returns to Manhattan?
  (a) write a travel book about her Italian trip
(b) show off her cooking skills to her relatives
(c) open an eatery in the downtown area
(d) conduct Italian cooking lesson herself
In the context of the passage, elaborate means .
  (a) detailed
(b) expensive
(c) difficult
(d) exciting

미국 신임 리비아 대사 인준에 아랍권 신중 반응
미국의 온라인 경매 거대 기업인 eBay가 오래된 가보를 포함한 상아의 판매를 전면 금지할 것이라고 발표했다.
김진우 회원님께서는 2008-10-23 에 회원가입을 하셨으며, 회원가입 또는 회원정보수정시 메일 수신을 동의하셨습니다. 메일 수신을 원치 않으시면 수신거부를 클릭해 주시기 바랍니다.

본 메일은 정보통신망이용촉진및정보보호 등에 관한 법률 및 시행규칙을 준수한 발신전용 이메일로서,회신이 불가능 하오니 문의가 있으신 분은 고객만족센터를 이용해 주시기 바랍니다.

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